Welcome to Connecting Mind and Body

About Susan

I was three years old when I fell in love with horses. I longed for a deeper connection even at this early age. Horses have given me the spiritual connection that I was unable to receive in my own family. I took lessons at an early age and was 13 when my parents gave in and bought me my own horse. I went to a college and studied Equestian Education and graduated with a Bacholor’s Degree and went right into my first job managing a horse boarding facility in 1991. I spent the next 14 years working for many farms up and down the east coast and finally owning my own boarding facility in Pennsylvania for 19 years. Those were such wonderful years connecting to horses, dogs, cats, and their owners. In 2014 I was starting to physically have difficulties doing the work in which it takes to run a horse farm and was in terrible pain. I then started my healing journey to find the causes of the pain and begin to heal. I am still on this journey 7 years later. Much stronger and healthier than I was but at the time I needed to consider moving on from such a physically demanding job. During these last 20 years I was very active in my church in Western NJ and was called to be on the Vestry and took on a lot of responsibility of the running of the services and volunteering in the Thrift Shop. I felt I was being called into Ministry and found a wonderful Seminary in NY and graduated in 2018 as an Interfaith Minister. Having the opportunity to study all the World’s Religions was a great honor for me and I felt called to continue my education with a two year course in InterSpiritual Counseling and graduated in June 2020.

InterSpiritual Counseling is an exploration into one’s spiritual life. Using this and the other modalities I have studied, I companion individuals who are interested in being curious of life and a deeper knowing of themselves and spirit.

I have recently retired from running my horse boarding facility and have opened Connecting Mind and Body. I love to work with clients who love animals as much as I do or have had a loss with a loved one or a loving pet, or anyone who has a chronic illness who would like support on their journey. I am available online and have a home office for anyone close to Northeastern Pennsylvania.

“My work is to be a companion to my clients on their spiritual journey. I will see each individual with eyes of curiosity, joy and love. I will hold each in their wholeness with compassion and kindness in their unveiling of the unknown. My work is to help restore and make a difference in healing the world.

— Susan